Collingwood House Project Based Learning Program
What is the significance of Collingwood House to Liverpool’s History? Who were the people that lived there? What industry took place on the land? What was life, like in the area before colonisation? Some of the questions students may answer through our Collingwood House project-based learning program.
What is Project based learning?
A program where “students work on a project over an extended period that engages them in solving a real-world problem or answering a complex question. They demonstrate their knowledge and skills by creating a public product or presentation for a real audience. As a result, students develop deep content knowledge as well as critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and communication skills.”
For this program students will choose an area of focus that they are curious about and become historians through exploring Collingwood House, learning research skills, listening to, and questioning an expert on the topic, and gaining presentation experience.
The program runs over 4 weeks with 4 interactions with museum/ library staff every second Thursday. The students work independently on their project during the time between the onsite visits.
Suitable for students in Stage 3- 5 (years 5- 10)
Also available for Schools (please contact the museum to discuss)
NSW History links
Stage 3 HT3.1 HT3.2 HT3.5
Stage 4 HT4.2 HT4.3 HT4.4 HT4.6 HT 4.7 HT 4.10
Stage 5 HT 5.1 HT 5.2 HT5.4 HT5.6 HT 5.9 HT 5.10
Stage 4/5 Elective History
Term and conditions
Students must attend all sessions. Places are limited,
For more information contact
Liverpool Regional Museum 0287117126
25 July meet at Liverpool Regional Museum
1 August meet at Yellamundie Liverpool City Library
8 August meet at Liverpool Regional Museum
15 August meet at Yellamundie Liverpool City Library