Don’t get your wires crossed!
Discover how real-world circuitry works through using LEDs, switches, motors and buzzers to experiment and create.
Learn about the roles of various common electronic components within a circuit.
This workshop will help you understand the fundamentals of electricity through creating simple circuits using Snap-onTM electronics kits.
Carnes Hill Library
Tuesday 24 January 2023
10:30am - 11:30am
Suitable for ages 9-12 years.
Bookings essential
Bookings open 9 December 2022 at 9:30am
Individual bookings only (no organisations e.g. Vacation Care / FDC / Child Care Centres).
If you can no longer attend the program, please cancel your ticket.
Please note: Your child will lose their place in this program if you have not arrived within 10min of the program beginning.