Amplify: Oral Histories

Amplify at Liverpool City Library Oral History Collection.

We need your help! We're seeking digital volunteers to join us in an exciting initiative called Amplify. In collaboration with the Amplify project, Liverpool City Library aims to transcribe our valuable oral history archives.

Amplify, a digital platform provided by the State Library of NSW, hosts audio collections from various cultural institutions across the state. Each audio file is accompanied by machine-generated transcripts, which volunteers can review and refine online. Amplify showcases audio collections from numerous public libraries, including Liverpool's, as well as the Australian War Memorial.

In celebration of Women’s History Month in March, we've uploaded a selection of the Moorebank Women’s Oral History Project onto the Amplify platform. Digital volunteers can contribute by listening to the interviews and improving the accuracy of the machine-generated transcriptions, thereby enhancing accessibility. We'll continue to add more oral histories from the collection each month.

Amplify offers an excellent opportunity for researchers, volunteers, and the public to actively engage with cultural heritage and explore the rich narratives of New South Wales and Australian history.

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