How to have fun at library programs

Participate! Sing and dance along with us. Ask your child questions to help them stay engaged and point out pictures in the story. If your child sees you having fun and being engaged, they're more likely to be as well.

Make a great environment for you and your child to learn and have fun. Say hello to fellow caregivers and children, but please wait until after the program to chat with other parents. If your child needs a break or is upset, please calm them away from the area where the session is happening. Please don't take calls during the session.

Attend the program for the right age group. Our programs are designed for a particular age group, so for your child to get the most out of it, attend the program designed for their age group. You are welcome to bring along older or younger siblings if need be.

Arrive on time and make time for reading afterwards! Make sure you arrive with time to park your pram (if you have one) and are settled before the program starts. Make time afterwards for your child to play with others and choose books for you to borrow and read at home. Reading to your child each day, regardless of how young they are, gives them the best chance at learning to read.

Respect other's personal space. Please don't film during the session - even if it just your child as this may make other parents uncomfortable. A photographer/videographer may attend library events for Council publicity. Please advise them if you do not want your child or yourself to be featured.

Keep coming - regularly if you can. Don't expect too much from your child the first time you come to a session. Some children will need more time to settle into the program and the new environment than others and this is a really good opportunity to teach them social skills needed for pre-school and school. The more often you participate in library programs and engage with books at home, the more likely they will love the session and reading. Give them the best chance you can