Multicultural Services and Community Languages

Liverpool City Library celebrates a culturally and linguistically diverse community.  We provide various multicultural services and programs to customers who speak languages other than English.

DVDs, newspapers, magazines, books and digital resources are available. Physical resources are located across the library service.  Reserve a specific item and we will transfer it to your selected branch.

Please contact the Multicultural Services Librarian at:

8711 7154

Resources to borrow from our Libraries

Liverpool City Libraries provide a collection of physical resources to borrow and digital resources to learn English and other languages.

Borrow resources to support your study of:

  • Occupational English Test Books
  • Graded Readers from Beginners to Advanced Levels

Search for these resources on our library catalogue and reserve them to be collected at your nearest library.

Online Courses

Access a range of online courses to learn and improve your English language skills or learn a new language in the library or from home, using your library membership card number.

Not yet a member? Join the library online or at any Liverpool Library branch.

English language courses from beginners to advanced

Arrivals in English helps learners learn English with everyday practical activities such as meeting people, registering with a doctor, and opening a bank account.

Active Reading helps learners develop the whole range of reading skills: prediction, vocab strategies, inference, skimming, topic sentences and more. Learners work on a wide variety of text types, based on lively, stimulating topics. They can listen to the texts (in a variety of accents), and each unit finishes with a freer skills-based activity. Find out more by watching this short video.

Help your learners recognize and pronounce the 43 sounds of English through audio, video and interactive activities. Students work with each sound in isolation, in words, sentences and in authentic texts. And now they can choose from British, North American and Australian pronunciation models, while learning to listen to a range of non-native speaker accents. Find out more by watching this video.

Practical Writing is for students who need to use written English both in their studies and in their personal life. Whether they are writing a descriptive essay for their teacher or sending a message to a friend, Practical Writing helps them structure their message, select the right vocabulary and choose the most appropriate style. Find out more by watching this short video.

The Academic module is for those who want to study or train in an English speaking University or Higher and Further Education.

The General Training module focuses on general survival skills in broad social and workplace contexts.

Help your ESL learners break through the grammar barrier with Tense Buster, Clarity’s most popular program. Described by British Council Network News as "very popular with students, attractive and easy to use". Tense Buster helps learners with 33 key grammar areas at five levels. Ideal for independent learning, classwork and homework.
Find out more by watching this video.

Muzzy BBC is an interactive animated language learning program for children. This program offers many different languages including Spanish, French, Italian, German, Chinese, Korean and English. Produced by the BBC, the Muzzy program is available via our Library and you only need is a library card to be able to access the Muzzy Club and learn from home.

Is a self-paced language learning program.  It supports over 90 languages including English as a Second Language (ESL). Learn on your computer or download the app.
First time users Sign Up with your library card number and then create an account to access your language learning.  If you choose to download the app for your mobile phone, iPad, or tablet please activate your app with a special code.
See instructions

We aim to provide a range of books, DVDS, newspapers, magazines and digital resources in 19 community languages.

These resources are mostly located at Liverpool City Library with smaller collections available at our branch libraries.

Languages we offer at Liverpool City Libraries:

Digital Resources


Indyreads provides a collection of eBooks and eAudiobooks in languages other than English.
It offers fiction and non-fiction titles in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese..

Visit Indyreads here to stream from our website.

To access Indyreads:

  • Click Log In
  • Select Liverpool City Library
  • Enter your Liverpool Library card number and library PIN to log in

Download the Indyreads app for your device through Google Play or the Apple App Store to borrow and enjoy.

pressreader icon

Pressreader provides 7000+ magazines and newspapers from over 100 countries and 60+ languages. The full text of each title is displayed in real replica and full content.  Explore what's happening in Australia and around the world from popular categories such as business and current affairs, sports, entertainment, lifestyle and more.

Visit Pressreader here to stream from our website.

To access Pressreader:

  • Click Sign in
  • Select Library or Group
  • Search for Liverpool City Library
  • Sign in with your Liverpool Library card number and library PIN

Download the Pressreader app from your device through Google Play, or  Apple App Store to explore and enjoy


LOTE4Kids allows children to enjoy the magic of storytelling with books in LOTE (Languages Other Than English) from the comfort of home.  Each book is provided with an English translation to help develop multilingual reading and listening skills to help kids learn languages. Read, Watch and Listen to a selection of books in world languages.

Visit LOTE4Kids here to stream from our website.

To access LOTE4Kids:

  • Sign in with your Liverpool Library card number
  • Select a language and enjoy your story

Download the LOTE4Kids app from your device through Google Play, or  Apple App Store to explore and enjoy

Can't find the language you are looking for?

Submit the form below to request a bulk loan from the State Library of NSW, which offers books in 43 languages.

Multicultural Bulk Loan Request Form

If you have any questions regarding this service please email the Multicultural Services Librarian.

You can also search the  Community Language Directory from the State Library. The directory lists which community language resources are held in all NSW public libraries.

Should we add a resource to the library collection?

Submit the form below, and we will contact you when the resource is available.

Suggestion for Purchase Form

Listed below are a collection of links to free databases and websites that provide useful and relevant information to our community.

Liverpool City Libraries offers the following events:

  • Conversation Café
  • Social Board Games

Please visit our What's On for further details and bookings.

Visit the Tech Savvy Seniors YouTube channel for a range of online training videos in selected community languages. Videos cover topics such as smartphones, smartphone apps and zoom.  Videos are available in English, Arabic, Cantonese, Korean, Mandarin and Vietnamese.

You can email the Multicultural Services Librarian to discuss multicultural events or collections:

8711 7154