Home school at the Museum: Time Capsules, Precious Memories and Letters to the Future

Tuesday, 07 February 2023 | 10am - 12pm | Liverpool | Kids

Curriculum linked educational programs available for home school students and their parents/ carers. Suitable for students Stage 2 and above.

Join us at the museum for a series of interactive learning opportunities.

Time Capsules, Precious Memories and Letters to the Future

If you were to create your own time capsule, what would you include?

A time capsule is a container that holds present day items, such as photos, newspaper, letters and more. It is hidden away for your future self or another person of your choosing to open. It is the perfect way to capture memories of today for the future.

Explore our 50-year time capsule exhibition currently on show at the museum for inspiration. Come along to create your own time capsule for the future. Remember to bring along your small special objects and photos that you would like to include.

Stage 2

  • English Syllabus: EN2-1A, EN2-2A
  • HSIE History Community and Remembrance: HT2.1, HT2.2, HT 2.5
  • Science and Technology: ST2-4WS, ST2 16P

Bookings essential

Liverpool Regional Museum

Tuesday 7 February 2023

10am - 12pm

Bookings open 16 January 2023

If you can no longer attend the program please cancel your booking or contact the museum

Image: Courtesy of Vienna Studios Liverpool

Event Details

Tuesday, 07 February 2023
10am - 12pm

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