Hoxton Park

Hoxton Park was named in 1887 when the area was subdivided from the property of Thomas Amos. Hoxton Park was gazetted on the 7th of April 1972.

Colonial Land Grants

In 1887 the suburb of Hoxton Park was much larger than it is now. It was part of the Parish of Cabramatta and comprised of grants of land to colonial lawyer Thomas Amos and John Jamison. It is possible that Amos named his 325 hectares grant, on which he built ‘a pretty cottage’, Hoxton Park. It may have been named after Hoxton in London. Jamison named his 200 hectares grant Cow de Knaves (however, a report in The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser dated 5 February 1820 refers to it as “Cowden Knows Farm”).


Hoxton Park’s timber was in demand throughout fast-growing colonial Sydney. Used mainly for fencing and outbuildings, it was sent by barge down the Tucoreah-Georges River through Botany Bay.

Hoxton Park Primary School

Hoxton Park Primary School was established in 1882. It was originally known as the ‘Cabramatta School’. In 1885, Mr. Richard Rouse Terry donated the land on which the school was situated to the Department of Education but with only six pupils attending in 1886, the school had to close. Three years later, the Hoxton Park area had begun to grow and the school was reopened. Eighteen pupils attended in the first week (22 July 1889) under the tutelage of Mr. Albert Reay. Many of the young pupils employed in manual labour or living a distance exceeding 2 miles from the school found it very difficult to attend classes.

In 1955, the school was closed and resumed to the present site. In 1957 the first four weatherboard classrooms were constructed and in 1969 a brick veneer classroom was opened.

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