Middleton Grange

Middleton Grange was gazetted in November 2005.

Rawdon Hume Middleton

Named after Flight Sergeant Rawdon Hume Middleton, 149 Squadron RAF who received a posthumous Victoria Cross after he died in combat during World War II on 28 November 1942. On that day, he was severely injured during a bombing raid on the Fiat Motor Works at Turin, Italy.

Despite his injuries, he flew his badly damaged Stirling bomber back to England, ordered his crew to bail out and stayed with his aircraft as it crashed into the channel. He was awarded the Victorian Cross for his efforts in saving his crew.

The suburb of Middleton Grange is the second in the Liverpool area named after a winner of the Victoria Cross for conspicuous bravery (the other being Edmondson Park).

From rural to urban

The suburb was created in 2005 by adjusting the boundaries of Cecil Park and West Hoxton. Street names in Middleton Grange have an aviation theme.

The area was previously used for hobby farms and rural residential housing but has since been rezoned for urban development.

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